Wednesday, August 19, 2015


   Minimalist house is a house with a minimalist look. Minimalist have little or simple sense of the word. So minimalist house is a house that has a simple look. This opinion is different to people's views or layman who does not understand about minimalism, them still have a pragmatic attitude about minimalist sense. According to them is like the example of minimalist luxury homes in elite housing.
According to their minimalist home is a mansion that has common traits include using natural stone materials such as andesite, palimanan stone, travertine stone and several kinds of stone that is usually mounted at random with a large size.
Besides generally displays a minimalist home to a balcony railing made of stainless materials combined with glass temprade. Temprade glass has a thickness of 1 cm to 2 cm, making it safe for use as a railing.Minimalist home often expose pyramid roof shape with material from the flat concrete roof tiles. Flat concrete roof tiles are typically chosen color dark gray. In addition the framework of the roof is put on a steel frame. On the facade appearance, minimalist home often expose canopy or overstack which has wide dimension and terraced so impressed magnificent and luxurious.
The use of columns lined the sereing used to make distance between the window has become a common trend of luxury homes, in addition to the use of windows with a height of about 2.5 meters and a width of more than standard will be more impressive and stately mansions.
Is not meant to be deceptively simple minimalist house without wearing materials from natural stone that were exposed to add to the beauty of the facade appearance. There is no written prohibition to use natural stone as an accent giver pretty or beautiful in architecture, but simply trying to assert only that it is not the same luxury with minimalist. With a simple natural stone, can be arranged with unique and interesting so minimalist home can still look beautiful and attractive.

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